
To become an EMiLA student, students apply for the regular master’s programme at one of the partner universities. The partner university you apply at will be your home university for the duration of the curriculum.

In your application you should list your first three choices of placement in order of preference, with 1 being the first. Please note that because each partner can only host a limited number of EMiLA students each semester, we cannot guarantee that you will get your first choice of placement.

Each institution sets its own binding admission and language requirements. Please go to the website of the desired home institution, read the EMiLA course handbook or contact the national coordinator to find out more.

After succesfully applying, you will be enrolled at your home insitution throughout your course of studies. Your home university/school will remain responsible for your curriculum during the full programme. This home insitution’s examination rules are binding for you. The national coordinator will support you in organizing the two exchange semesters.

The schools’ existing curricula vary. The graph below shows the semesters of the EMiLA master’s programme of the partner schools/universities:

This means that you will experience three perspectives on landscape architecture as a profession, topic and design medium.
Both at your home and host institutions you will join the courses of the regular master’s programme. In addition, you will benefit from two specific EMiLA modules:

To become an EMiLA student, you apply to one of the five EMiLA institutions. This is your home institution, where you will stay enrolled until the end of your studies and receive your degree.



For more information, please read the info booklet.

Degree and Certificate

After having studied for EMiLA succesfully, you will receive a degree awarded by your home insitution. Depending on which school/university you applied to, you will receive the following certificate:

  • Academie van Bouwkunst, Amsterdam…
    awards a Master in Architecture, specializing in Landscape Architecture with a degree supplement for the EMiLA curriculum
  • ETSAB Barcelona Escola Tecnica Superieur d’Arquitectura de Barcelona´s…
    degree is a Master in Landscape Architecture: master universitari en Paisatgisme, with the specialization in “EMiLA – European Master in Landscape Architecture”
  • The University of Edinburgh/ECA/ESALA…
    has been offering a degree as “European Master in Landscape Architecture” since 2013
  • Leibniz Universität Hannover…
    awards a Master of Science “M.Sc. Landschaftsarchitektur” with the specialisation in “EMiLA – European Master in Landscape Architecture”
  • ENSP Versailles…
    will award the French national landscape degree DEP, “Diplôme d’Etat Paysagiste” with an additional ENSP certificate for “EMiLA – European Master in Landscape Architecture”.

With this basis, EMiLA provides an excellent and identifiable international network at the forefront of applied education in landscape architecture for students, teachers and institutions.


The University of Edinburgh and the Academie van Bouwkunst Amsterdam teach in English and the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona teaches in Spanish and English (2nd and 3rd semester). The École nationale supérieure du paysage Versailles/Marseille and the Leibniz Universität Hannover each teach in their national language.

EMiLA students visit the regular courses at the host institutions. A certain language proficiency will be required of the students in accordance with the Common European Framework of Reference for languages (CEFR) before they can go to the countries where they want to study.

You need this level as a home student when you start your studies:
Edinburgh – English B2 (CEFR), Amsterdam – English B2 (CEFR), Barcelona – English B2 (CEFR), Hannover – German C1 (CEFR) and English B2 (CEFR), Versailles – French C1 (CEFR) and English B2 (CEFR)

You need this level as an exchange student when you do your exchange semesters:
Edinburgh – English B2 (CEFR), Amsterdam – English B2 (CEFR), Barcelona – English B2 (CEFR), Hannover – German B1 (CEFR) and English B2 (CEFR), Versailles – French B1 (CEFR) and English B2 (CEFR)

Please read the course handbook to learn more!

Direct application links:


download the pocket guide and the info booklet