EMiLA - European Master in Landscape Architecture

five leading European institutions – one curriculum

About EMiLA

EMiLA is a master’s programme provided by five leading universities and schools of landscape architecture in Europe.

One core idea of EMiLA is to make use of the diversity of educational programmes to create and strengthen a Europe-wide network, from which teaching, research and practice benefit.

The EMiLA institutions offer a unique curriculum. EMiLA students’ study at three European institutions within one master´s degree. EMiLA offers two unique courses, the Summer School and the E-Learning course, where all EMiLA students from all schools meet in real and digitally.

To study EMiLA, students apply at one of the five partner institutions. Within the master´s degree the students are given the opportunity to spend two semesters abroad at two of the network’s other institutions, whilst the students spend the beginning and end of the study program at their home institution. There they complete their master’s thesis.


EMiLA Program – Unique Assets:

  1. Expose students to diverse European natures, cultures and policies
  2. Benefit from different European design approaches
  3. Build up intensive European networks of students, teachers, researchers and stakeholders

EMiLA was founded to:

  • develop transdisciplinary design approaches to address complex European landscape challenges
  • share European practices in support of nature-based solutions through design
  • identify and evolve key European landscape topics
  • promote mobility for students and academics
  • celebrate unique European cultural diversities and commonalities


Partner Institutions


During the 1st semester of your master’s curriculum you study in your home institution: either AHK, ESAB, LUH, ESALA or ENSP. This is the institution where you will be enrolled for the whole of your EMiLA curriculum. In your 2nd semester (3rd semester AUA) you will be abroad in one of the partner schools/ universities. During this semester you will study the mandatory EMiLA eLearning module. In August/ September you participate in a mandatory Summer School. Each year this Summer School is organised in one of the five partner countries. The 3rd semester (4th semester AUA) will be abroad in another partner school/ university. The 4th semester (5th to 8th semester AUA) you will be back at your home institution.
You are taught in the language of the host country, although English skills and possibly another language (German, French or Castilian) will also be necessary. See “Languages” to find out more.
This depends on which home institution you choose. Please contact the EMiLA coordinator of this institution, if possible during your last year of the Bachelor course. If it is too late for this, you should still contact the EMiLA coordinator of your home institution. Some open placements may still be left.
Each partner school has its own recruitment requirements and rules. Please read the Handbook (see “Programme documentation”) or contact the school/ university you intend to apply to. In general, EMiLA is a master-level study course in landscape architecture, for which you need to hold a Bachelor degree in landscape architecture or a design study course at Bachelor level. In some partner schools (ENSP Versailles), you can be candidate with a bachelor in biology, geography or art before entering EMiLA. Please read the admission requirements of the different schools/ universities carefully, as they are binding for you.
25 students, which is about five students per partner school/ university. There may be slight differences between the schools/ universities or an increase of applicants in the near future.
You choose one insitution as your home institution. You will visit two other schools/ universities of the network for one semester each. You may even visit a third school/ university during the Summer School. Please note that the semester schedules of the different schools/ universities differ a lot. This means that the order of exchanges is defined by the schedules as well. These are indicated in the Course handbook (see “Programme documentation”).
The regulations of your home insitution are always binding for you.
All EMiLA partners use the standard ERASMUS forms. This means that you and the coordinator of your home institution work out a “Learning Agreement” before you leave. In this you define the courses you plan to study at the host institution/s. After your semester/s abroad, your host institution will document these grades in a “Transfer of Records”. This paper will be send back to your home institution or given to you directly. The grades from abroad will be documented in your national certificate/ diploma supplement. To see how the grades are converted, please consult the final pages of the Course handbook (see “Programme documentation”).
You will get your final degree at you home institution; at the school/ university where you first enrolled. You will be awarded your home insitution’s national degree in landscape architecture. Depending on your home institution, you will receive a specific EMiLA certificate/ diploma supplement (see “Degree and Certificate”).
ENSP Versailles has outstanding expertise in strategic, large-scale landscape design. The Leibniz University of Hannover has a strong track record in combining design with research. The University of Edinburgh/ Edinburgh College of Art has a high level of competency in the intensive exchange between landscape architecture and the different art disciplines, which leads to highly creative approaches. The Amsterdam University of the Arts/ Amsterdam Academy of Architecture is noted for its four-year interdisciplinary master’s programme in architecture, landscape architecture and urban planning, in which students spend 50% of their time in landscape architecture offices. ETSAB is highly experienced in the design of public open spaces, where it can draw on the experience of Barcelona, which is world-famous for its urban open space programme.
Each EMiLA student pays the regular fee of his/her home institution during the study course. There are no additional EMiLA fees! All EMiLA partner institutions have ERASMUS contracts. Thanks to this, all approved students can apply for ERASMUS funding during the exchange semesters. Please contact the international offices of your home institution for more information.
2008 – 2010: Set up of the idea to develop a European Master’s education in the field of landscape architecture

2011 – 2013: Curriculum development granted by ERASMUS MP LLP: N°20113957/001001

2013 – 2016: Test period for the new Master’s curriculum

2016 – now: Consolidation of EMiLA

The founders of EMiLA are:
Karin Helms, Initiator of EMiLA (2008 – today)
Anje Stokmann (2008 – 2009)
Anke Schmidt (2008 – 2009)
Jordi Bellmunt (2008-2009 & 2015)
Noël van Dooren (2008 – 2009)
Martin Prominski (2009 – today)
Martí Franch Batllori (2009 – 2010)
Lisa MacKenzie (2009 – today)
Verena Butt (2010 – 2015)
Maria Goula (2010 – 2013)
Marieke Timmermanns (2010 – 2014)
Marina Cervera (2011 – 2014)