About EMiLA
EMiLA is a master’s programme provided by five leading universities and schools of landscape architecture in Europe.
One core idea of EMiLA is to make use of the diversity of educational programmes to create and strengthen a Europe-wide network, from which teaching, research and practice benefit.
The EMiLA institutions offer a unique curriculum. EMiLA students’ study at three European institutions within one master´s degree. EMiLA offers two unique courses, the Summer School and the E-Learning course, where all EMiLA students from all schools meet in real and digitally.
To study EMiLA, students apply at one of the five partner institutions. Within the master´s degree the students are given the opportunity to spend two semesters abroad at two of the network’s other institutions, whilst the students spend the beginning and end of the study program at their home institution. There they complete their master’s thesis.
EMiLA Program – Unique Assets:
- Expose students to diverse European natures, cultures and policies
- Benefit from different European design approaches
- Build up intensive European networks of students, teachers, researchers and stakeholders
EMiLA was founded to:
- develop transdisciplinary design approaches to address complex European landscape challenges
- share European practices in support of nature-based solutions through design
- identify and evolve key European landscape topics
- promote mobility for students and academics
- celebrate unique European cultural diversities and commonalities